Friday, October 22, 2010

Bathroom, Firewood, Bike Path and Colors Update

We pretty much have all the adhesive off the pink bathroom floor but it still needs work. We've moved on to stoning the countertop. Today Lea will seal the stone and by tomorrow or so we should be able to grout it .... black grout of course. We've also decided to paint the walls .... again .... probably a dark purple. It's like .... nothing we do could make it worse :()

I've resumed cutting wood since the only people we found to buy wood from broke down just short of making it to our house so we took it as a "sign" and I'm now continuing to cut our own wood. What you see in this carport photo is about 1/2 of what I have cut .... we have wood storage down by the basement porch entrance too. There's sooooo much wood on our property .... mostly oak, hickory and aromatic cedar .... it's all downed trees just laying on the sides of what was cleared by the previous owner to create the view we have.

Yesterday was our day to go to the big town (Mountain Home) and do our PetCo and Lowes shopping. We took the dogs with us because it's now cool enough for them to stay in the car while we shop. On the way home we stopped to walk the dogs at the park in Salem Arkansas which is about 1/2 hour from home. It was an interesting surprise because you can't see much from the road and we've passed this park maybe 50 times and didn't realize that there's a walking/bike path that goes around a lake. We've been looking for place to take our bikes since you can't ride them on the streets around our place (way too narrow and dangerous).

Last but least for this morning is my "fall color" report ..... here's the what we were looking at while drinking coffee and eating cheerios this morning ...


  1. That last shot took my breath away! I love fall colors. Lucky you. If it were me, I would paint those bathroom walls black and go for the pink flamingo 50's look all out. Or if that is too scary, how about metallic silver? Wall paper that is black with pink flamingos? With all your talent you could paint your own pink flamingos on black, not glossy, walls. Think Pookies. Remember Pookies? There must be a place where you could find a pink flamingo in neon lights. That bathroom definately need neon lights. Well, that is what I would do, but then I am a little bit out there decor speaking. You would never know it from my houses here in the park, but I wasn't in charge of my own decorating. My kids could tell you about what I do when left to my own devices. When I said I would have loved to have that old couch you found, I wasn't kidding. My last real yard had an old white iron bed in it with a lace bed skirt and the body of the bed closed in and filled with dirt and flowers every spring. It was a real flower bed. I like to have a lot of whimsy. I would love to gradually redo my house now to my own taste. Hopefully I will find the money and energy to do that.

  2. Love it all. We look forward to your posts. The fall colors are marvelous. Only yellows around are place. We are in Bend,OR visiting my sis and the colors here are better. Not real excited about winter coming. It will be interesting seeing your winter.

  3. I love your decorating taste Bobbie. Already went through the pink flamingo phase a while back but I like the neon idea. Love the black walls idea too and may just do that but will try the dark purple first. Now we're regrouting the white grout of the pink tile black. I think the pink bathroom will be an ever evolving never ending project.

    Hey Mir .... good to hear from you! For the past 3 weeks I think every day has produced different colors. Big storm with lots of wind moving in tomorrow and Monday so that may just put an end to it :( ..... but we are looking forward to winter..... guess we'll have to compare. Hi to Liv!
