Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Guitars & Other Stuff

Very cloudy & cold today with the temp most of the day being in the high 20's ..... seemed like the perfect day to start making faceplate covers for all of our faceless light switches. I got several made before heading off to the music store .... the next step will be to paint them .... here's what one looks like now ....

So a couple of weeks ago when we had a flat tire by the dump, the guy that changed our tire told us about a Les Paul Jr. guitar that was found at the dump the day before and that it was worth $15,000! Wow! So while I was at the music store I mentioned to the owner that I'd heard this rumor about a Les Paul Jr. .... he took me into his recording room and pulled it off a rack and let me hold it .... is that cool! He said the guy that found it gave it to a guitar playing friend who brought it to him. The condition wasn't too great so it wasn't worth the full $15,000 but he gave the guy the pick of any guitar in the store for a trade and he has some very expensive guitars in his store. I was thrilled just to get to hold it. I'm really loving this small town stuff, everybody's connected in some way. On our way to the music store we stopped at the water company to pay our water bill and the lady said to me "so did you girls get your sister all moved in?" ..... which reminded me of the second time we went to the county assessors which was about 4 months after the first time we went and the assessor remembered our address ..... me "we'd like to find out who owns the property next to ours" ..... her "oh sure .... let's see .... you live at 72 Powhatan so which side of your property are you interested in" and then I mention that to Diana and she says .... "oh that assessor lady is our neighbor" I love that!

Played Backgammon last night and used my new bench to set the board on .....


  1. I am with you, I love all that small town stuff where everyone knows everyone's business. We have that here at SMR to a somewhat extreme degree that is not always so much fun. I love backgammon. I don't know anyone here who plays but I keep a set at the ready for when my daughter visits and we have a protrated tournament. She usually wins. I tell her it is because she is younger and stronger than I but she isn't buying that. She says it is because I taught her everything I knew and than eventually forgot a lot of it myself. That is probably more true.

  2. I love all the mixed up random letters I have to type in to get my remarks posted. Sometimes they make the most interesting words and I try to make up meanings for them. Like "mudeplio" the one I just typed in. I think that must mean something very interesting or possibly gross.

  3. Wow. . . I had no idea that there was a captcha (or whatever it's called) spam blocker in place here. I frequent several sites that use them & I keep thinking I should be keeping track of the words they come up with. The best ones are the ones that use 2 words . . . Some very interesting random 2 word combos come up.
    Lea and I love to play Backgammon, the only board game that we play. Lea usually beats me but I believe it's only because she throws doubles all the time :)

  4. When I was with Donna Ruud, we played backgammon all the time. We kept the board up in the dining room and we would play at least once a day. When my dad came to visit, I taught him and he loved it. I've played online but it's not the same.
    I can hardly wait to see your light switches--I'm always fascinated by them.
    Small town camaraderie can be great if it isn't intrusive--it gives you a feeling of security and a cozy "togetherness".

  5. Pat .... for some reason I can vision you playing Backgammon under a tree in Texas as a young girl but I bet it was Checkers. I've always found it interesting that the round playing disks in Backgammon are called checkers.
    See ... once again .... we could have been playing Backgammon when we just lived across the street but we didn't know we each liked to play.

  6. I never heard of Backgammon until I lived in WA. Yes, we did play checkers as a kid plus many other board and card games. Yes, it's too bad we didn't know about our like of Backgammon when y'all lived across from me--we could have had some rip-snortin' good games. Jean has never been a "game" person but I was raised on games.
