Thursday, June 30, 2011

Old Barn Wood and Bugs .... but not together :)

We were able to score some old barn wood last week .... our intent being to make small boxes out of it and sell on Etsy. My first project, however, was to make a small table to sit next to the recliner in the living room. We had a long table there but when we got the new window it just had to go so here's a plank the wood being sanded and the finished table ....

I do as much sanding as I can outside because it's such a fine dust it gets everywhere in the shop ..... but whenever I'm doing little projects on the shop/basement porch it seems I always have company ... be it dogs, deer or bugs. Here's a couple unusual bugs from last week ....

We were without power for the past 2 days and right now we only have 1/2 of the electric working .... unfortunately the air conditioner is one of the missing :( ..... we had a powerful storm move through and it caused a lot of widespread outages but they were pretty quick on restoring power .... however .... for us the fuse blew in the transformer so we were left in the dark. They replaced the fuse yesterday but the storm damaged our breaker panel box and only one side is working .... being that there are two 120's coming in. Anyway .... we might be lucky and have it repaired tonight .... local electricians are very busy right now. I realize that I could never live on an island void of electricity ..... I really love my electricity and internet and I missed it. I really appreciated my Apple device car charger!!!!!!!


  1. I love your table--you did a great job. What is Etsy?

    That first bug was gross--looks like it is a flyer and something from outer space--YUCK!!

    Wow, being without electricity in that area is AWFUL especially not having a/c. Next to not having a/c, I would miss my computer most of all. I sure hope you get set up tonight. Do you have a serge protector?

  2. Another comment--we're supposed to get to 117 on Sat. and 116 on Sunday!!! Heaven help us if we lose our a/c. It was 115 here at the house 2 days ago according to Jean's weather server.

  3. Boy, did I ever jinx us!! Our power went out at 2:10 yesterday and didn't come back on until 5:00!! Big fire at a relay station. We might have outages today also when it might get to 113--yesterday it was ONLY 105!! We took the dogs and went for a ride from 3:00 until about 4:30. We would have gone to a motel if the power didn't come back on.
