Tuesday, June 15, 2010

The Path To The River

4 strong guys, 2 chain saws, 2 weed eaters, 1 backpack weed killer, 1 high powered backpack blower (to clean the dirt off the rock terraces), and 3 burn piles. The work is about half completed .... enough so that ...... well ..... I'll just let the photos tell the story.

The water felt really really really good!


  1. Wow! what a nice porch over looking all that wonderful green stuff. Nice river too; maybe you can go tubing? Your blue jays are much different then the ones we have in Washington (Steller blue jays).

  2. Yes .... we can go tubing and are planning on doing exactly that. The "green stuff" puts out such great air ... feels and smells good. Until moving here I was only familiar with the Steller Blue Jays also .... these have white spots on them and when they sing they kinda jump up and down .... very fun to watch. We've also noticed that the Cardinals sing much more than the ones in Arizona .... maybe they are a different variety ... not sure yet.
