Thursday, June 10, 2010

Turtles and Shelves

So yesterday afternoon Lea notices this box turtle laying eggs in our front yard (looks like someone kept it as a pet for a while because it has "doogie" written in pink nail polish on it's shell).

So today she builds a nest over the now buried eggs. They will take 3 months to hatch and then she will release them on a rainy night.

My project for the day was to remove these folding doors between the family room and living room

And remove the sliding doors to this closet in the living room .... then I cut up the folding doors .....

And made shelving for some of our arts supplies. I'm going to order a bolt of white cotton and use sun paints to make curtains instead of the sliding doors. We have boxes and boxes full of art supplies and we are slowly getting them into rubbermaid type containers. There's still way more than could ever fit in this little closet but one of our dirt basement rooms has tons of shelving so we're storing most of the stuff there .... especially the heat sensitive stuff .... the basement stays really really cool!

So now we're waiting on yet another tree service company to bid on clearing us the path to the river .... I hope this one meets with our approval :) because we really want to get down to the river ....


  1. You need a tree service company to clear a path to the river??? I would have thought the two of you armed with machetes would have had that done by now. If you can't get to the river, what are you doing for water and how are you getting your clothes clean? Love the cobblestone carpet btw.

  2. Next week the cobblestone carpet is getting yanked out .... I'll wrap it up and send it to you .... keep an eye out for UPS :)
