Monday, April 25, 2011

April Showers Bring May Flowers?

I'm thinking that what's going on here is little more than "April Showers" and our garden is begging for some sun. Now I really love the rain and I appreciate the water and all but I'm really ready for some kayaking, tubing, barbecuing, and working in the garden .... still ..... the rain sure makes everything green and lush so I won't complain but I would like to share with you what's going on right now.
The Spring River that flows through Hardy has overflowed the banks and is in a "severe flood event" according NOAA. Flooding begins at 10' and as of this morning it was 14.2' and rising .... it's being forecast to reach 21' tomorrow morning which means that the Main St. of Hardy will be flooded. In our neck of the woods we have the South Fork of The Spring River running through the bottom of our property .... if you've been following our blogs then you've seen plenty of video of us "frolicking" and tubing in the waters of our backyard. Fortunately our house is safe from any flooding so it's just fun now to watch and see how high it will get. We are hoping that the current flooding will create a better beach for us after it recedes :) Ok .... enough blah blah blah .... here's the video ....

So I was hoping to share some of the video that Lea shot yesterday at Otter Creek but she and Ozzie had a "little mishap" with her MacBook Pro laptop and she lost all the video that was on it .... as well as the hard drive .... so we've ordered a new internal hard drive and I'll put on my techy lab coat and perform surgery when the new HD arrives ... but all is lost on her computer and she didn't cry because she had almost everything backed up on an external ... except the footage she shot yesterday ... bummer.

But .... I do have something sure to not disappoint .... enjoy :)

Not much new about guppies and their babies .... from our childhood memories of watching in joy as the babies were being born and then the horror of watching their parents snatching them up like cocktail weenies at a potluck. I made it a personal goal to give them a little bit of a chance of surviving without going into the maternity ward business.

1 comment:

  1. That film of the river was awesome--just be careful that you don't get swept away.

    Get out your uniform and be prepared to be an OB-GYN nurse--the babies are calling for you.
