Friday, July 9, 2010

Walking Sticks, Birds and Showers

There's only one of each but the plural sounded so much better in the title.

Here's the "Walking Stick" video that Lea made today ....

And here's an American Gold Finch that stopped by for a snack .....

Still working on the Cardinals .... they're here all the time but are super camera shy.

And .... I'm almost finished with the Blue Shower. Here's a summary .... I removed an ugly shower door and with it came a bunch of tiles that were loose because there was water getting into the wood under the tiles .... which meant rotted wood .... so I had to replace wood, fill big holes with Durham wood putty, clean the back of the tiles which had plaster board and tile adhesive stuck to them and put it all back together like a jig saw puzzle. While I was at it I removed the grout from the entire shower and put in new grout. So here's a couple of photos that show some of the damage and a photo of the outside of the shower as I have it finished now. I'll post an inside shot when I put in the new shower head and regrout the tile floor.

And our order from DharmaTrading came in today so it looks like we'll be doing a lot of silk painting soon :) Yeaaaaaa!
Anyone who wants to make some scarfs with us is welcome to come over :)


  1. Are Walking Sticks poisonous? That tail of his reminded me of a scorpion. Definitely a fun video. I love your back yard too. You really had a lot of work to do in the blue shower. Isn't it satisfying to take something and make it beautiful again? I might be spending all my time bird watching.

  2. No, Walking Sticks are plant feeders, and have no ability to hurt humans .... actually they make great pets. We do really love the outside of our house as much as the inside .... there's always so much going on. I was just ouside on the porch listening to the rain in the trees ... it's such a great musical sound ... I'm going to have to dig out my field recording equipment and start recording the sounds.
    We're looking forward to spending some time bird watching ... like actually hanging some binoculars around our necks and going out into the forest with the intent of just watching birds. Wish you could join us.
    Yes it is satisfying restoring the blue shower .... it was really a mess and very creepy ... Lea wouldn't go near it .... that has now changed :)

  3. I thought the walking stick might also be related to a scorpion--Jean was watching it with me and I asked her the same question. They are sooo weird looking.
    We actually had rain last evening--0.24!! It came down in buckets. This morning we are back to being hot and sticky since the humidity and dew point are so high.
