Saturday, July 10, 2010

Woodpeckers & Silk

We had just pulled out of the driveway this morning on our way to the lumber yard when we spotted a woodpecker .....

Then another came into the scene .....

No binoculars needed. Sure wish they'd had ivory beaks but they were a pleasure to watch. The iPhone got the shots but we really need to keep a better camera in the car .... we knew if we ran back to the house they would have left and as it was they only pecked away on this tree for a minute and took off but didn't seem to mind us watching.

One other photo for today ..... Silk Painting .... Yeaaaaaaa!


  1. Good post. Liked the birds and the cutie doing silk painting. By the way, why, when I pull up your blog, does it always come up with the old posting of the two blue striped glasses? I always have to go to the side and click on the latest posting. Sorry if this sounds like whining but I have to whine - it is so hot and humid here. Please let the monsoons begin already!

  2. You're pulling up the glasses because that was the last post in June and you're browser has probably "cached" June. If you bookmark the site as with nothing after the / then it will go to the home page with the latest posting from within your bookmarks, but if you start typing ozarkrains into your address bar then your browser will try and finish it off and include the cache from June which you'll never get rid of until you clear your cache. So you may want to try clearing your cache. To do that click on the word "Safari" next to the apple (you can only do this while you have Safari open), the click on "Empty Cache". This will prevent all of your frequented websites from returning to what may be outdated pages. Hope that helps .... let me know.

  3. The silk painting is gorgeous--I've never seen how it was done. Oh yeah, great pic of Lea!!
    That must be Woody the Woodpecker and the Mrs.

  4. They look like Pileated Woodpeckers; we have these in WA but we didn't see them unless we were in some wooded area. I think they are beautiful and to think you saw a pair. I don't really know what silk painting is except for the obvious. Could you tell me more about it?

  5. I tried what you suggested. Now I have two blogs with the same name both of which start with the blue stripe glasses. I think the easiest thing to do is eliminate the two blogs and start over with my book mark. How do you eliminate a blog or anything else from your bookmarks?

  6. Bobbie .... click on "bookmarks" > "show all bookmarks" > click on the bookmark you want to remove (just click on it to highlight it) then go up to your top menu and click "Edit" > "delete". I think the problem is that it's not starting with July.

  7. Jean and Pat .... silk painting is actually silk dying. It's very fun and relatively easy. I'll take more photos of the process and post them here in the blog. Yes .... those are Pileated Woodpeckers. We see pairs of them often but rarely on the same area of the tree at the same time. They are so beautiful and one of my favorite birds which is why we chose the "Ivory" Woodpecker for our license plate.
