Wednesday, July 28, 2010

What Goes Around .... Comes Around

This is a very interesting story, at least to us it is and we thought it worth sharing.

In the spring of 2007 we traded our Xterra 4Wheel Drive, which we loved, for a more practical minivan .... damn ... I hate losing personality. The only reason we did that was because we decided to start storing our motorhome in Lake Tahoe and drive back and forth each summer. The Xterra wouldn't work because there just wasn't enough room for all our stuff and the dogs, cat and parrot. We pulled the seats out of the van and put in a platform (with the help of Ree), so we had tons of room for everything except …. our beloved kayaks. We ordered a Yakima roof rack system to put on the van but it was on backorder and we couldn't get it in time before leaving for Tahoe for the summer. We really hated to just leave our kayaks in Arizona to dry up and blow away so we did the unthinkable …. we put them up for sale. Diana and Nancy were the buyers and that made us happy. They already had kayaks but wanted a couple more for their Arkansas lake home …. that also made us happy but we still hated to see them go. So that was that and time passed. 2010 has been a year of many changes for Lea and I. Lea's mother passed away, we quit our job of 18 years as Jeep photographers, we gave away our motorhome and most of it's contents (we lived in it for 7 years and every summer for many years so it had a lot of "us" in it), Lea quit her driving job, I quit my job at SMR, we sold our place at SMR, we bought a home in Arkansas (wasn't figuring on that when we sold the kayaks) and we're preparing to start earning our income through our art, …. wow! BUT …. while all this was happening …. I gave Diana the iMac that I had in the motorhome….. and….. she gave us our kayaks back!!!! How did that all happen???? They came full circle back to us! We loved those kayaks and now here we are …. living in Arkansas with the kayaks that we sold in Arizona. Thank you Diana and Nancy for both giving us our kayaks back and leading us to the most beautiful and peaceful place to live that we ever could have imagined. So many things had to happen for this to have happened. Think about it ….. just one little hiccup like …. not meeting Diana and everything in our lives would now be very different. How thankful we are to have met Diana and Nancy.

So here's a longer than normal video of our first day with the kayaks that we bought in the year 2000 in Arizona, sold in 2007 in Arizona and got back in 2010 in Arkansas ..... gotta love it!

But ... to start the morning off .... before going kayaking .... I did some weed eating and the little fox came along when I was done to check it out ....


  1. Ahhh, that was such a peaceful ride in your kayak on the lake--thanks for taking me along!! That was great about getting your kayaks back. How far away from you is Diana and Nancy's place?

  2. Glad you enjoyed the ride Pat :) Diana and Nancy are about 10 minutes from us .... they live on beautiful Lake Navajo, they can practically just step out their door and into their kayaks. We'll be taking the kayaks over there soon so we'll do some video of kayaking with them.

  3. You and Lea have such great karma that everything wonderful is going to happen to you. It is really true that what goes around comes around and all the positive energy and goodness that you two exude is coming back to you ten fold. All is as it should be.

  4. Thank you Bobbie .... have a great trip to Idaho .... maybe you can add another adventure to your list .... just avoid fires :)
