Monday, December 13, 2010

Yes It Is Cold Enough For Us :)

First off is this mornings deck view ....

Yesterday it snowed a little and was really really windy .... in fact it blew the cap off our chimney. It was like 7 degrees outside and colder when the wind blew even harder so we stayed inside and I baked more bread.

Backing up a bit ..... Friday Andi got to go meet her new doctor. He really wants to try and cure her Valley Fever and he really studied up on it. He drew blood and was able to check on a lot of things himself such as the condition of her liver which gets damaged by the Valley Fever meds but we have her on Sam-e which is really helping. So her liver has really improved and we won't know about the Valley Fever for several days because he had to send it off to the state for testing. Here's a shot of Andi and Lea at the vets office just before going in ....

This morning I cracked the bathroom windows (there's 2 layers) just a little bit to let out the steam from my shower .... I closed them up .... walked out and within a few minutes here's what it looked like ....

I really needed to drag up a bunch of timber from down the hill today so I could get it cut up while the weather was clear. I've discovered that even at 17 degrees (don't know what the real temp was with the wind chill), as long as you're dressed in the right type of cold weather gear ..... you really don't get cold and can do just about anything .... except maybe go tubing down the river :)

Self portrait .....

And yes .... I did get a bunch of wood cut!


  1. I loved your bathroom window design--that was really neat. The bread looks real yummy. Could that be Nannuck of the North under that parka?
    We are most fortunate that Darby is not having any problems with her meds for Valley Fever and each time she is tested, she has improved. I hope the same for Andi.

  2. I had a lousy day today. I lost a wrestling match with my suspended cymbal stand and ended up with 2 broken toes and hairline fractures in two foot bones. I am feeling very sorry for myself and can't wait for my responsibilities to end for the day so I can take my meds and go off to la la land. Sure did enjoy your post. I loved the "frosted" glass in the bathroom especially. Hope Andi is okay.

  3. Oh Bobbie ..... does this mean you won't be performing in Swan Lake at the Holiday show? Ok ..... just couldn't resist. Really sorry about your broken toes and foot bones .... you really must be more careful .... playing drums is a dangerous talent but you do it so well.
