Sunday, September 12, 2010

I Said I Wouldn't But I Am Anyway

Posting this video of Sydny that Lea shot yesterday .... yes .... eating a worm .... I know what I said but I lied :)

She's sooooooo cute!


  1. Well, at least she can feed herself!! Ewwwww!! Poor lil worm.

  2. So cute. Everything has a role to play in life. So that little worm was food but eventually (years from now) the turtle will be food for that little worm's ancestors. Is that another meaning of the circle of life? I may rethink my desire to be cremated so that I can be food for some worms someday. Luckily I am living so long that I don't think my organs will be of much use to anyone but I could still be of use to the worms. Is this too macabre for a Sunday morning? Can't wait to get my prize. Sorry I missed out on the couch. It had a certain flair. Really do love the video of Sydny. Keep up the good work.

  3. A little macabre maybe but interesting non the less. Lea's keeping the worms in our fridge ..... that could cause nightmares ... for me of course.
    I think you'll like the prize you're getting much more than the couch ..... trust me on that one :)
    I imagine you'll all be seeing a lot more of Sydny .... she really is the cutest turtle I've ever seen.
