Friday, October 8, 2010

Burls, Cauldrons and Fly Fishing

The guy who owns the shop where we sell our art gave Lea 3 wood burls yesterday. One was really heavy and Mark helped us get it in our van but it was up to us it get it out (we have that problem a lot). We got it out and it rolled down the hill but Lea was able to roll it back up and take the power washer to all 3 .....

Lea will turn these into beautiful works of art

Our "cauldron" is working great ....

And we've started decorating for Halloween .....

Can never seem to get enough Silk painting .... now Lynda's hooked :)

We went down to the river around 5pm this afternoon. Lynda did watercolor ....

While Lea and I Fly Fished ....

Did you notice the purple sun ray on Lea .... cool huh

And yes .... we each caught a fish and let it go ....


  1. I really like the fire in the cauldron. The Halloween decorations are really cool!! Lea looks like a real pro at that fly fishing. I saw the purple ray.

  2. Sometimes when I follow your blog I think someone is making this life up and it is just too good to be real.

  3. Pat .... more halloween decorations to come and yes ... Lea actually looks like she knows what she's doing :) .... she does :)
    I keep learning soooo much about you in this blog. Memphis too huh? Wow .... you really got around. We really should have gotten together over a few beers once in a while when we lived across the street from each other!

    Bobbie ... yep ... the fly fishing in the backyard is even a little over the top for me ....
    I also really loved what you said about the pink bathroom .... it actually made sense to me and seems like excellent advise ... thanks! The pink is now neutral!
