Wednesday, October 6, 2010

The Rope

Yesterday we crossed the Mississippi river into Memphis to pick up Lea's sister, Lynda, from the airport .....

The dogs thought they were going to sleep all day but we took them with us ....

Saw Elvis on a Fire Truck on the way home ....

So here's a self portrait shot of the 3 of us down at the river ....

And the star of the post today is "The Rope" .... and I'll end it with that :) love the rope


  1. Nice to sort of meet Lea's sister. Hi, Lea's sister. Have fun on your visit.

  2. How far are y'all from Memphis? Donna and I lived in Memphis for 3-4 years back in the 80's--she retired from the Navy there. When we first moved there I worked in downtown Memphis at the TN Psych. Hospital near the bridge. I then got my degree from Memphis (State) U and went to work out past Graceland at a mental health clinic. Had to pass Graceland everyday after Elvis died and it was awful getting through the area. I was there when he died.

    Hi Lynda--nice seeing you again. I think I met you when you visited here in AJ. Y'all have a great time.
