Monday, May 23, 2011

A Monday Morning In May

May is normally the biggest producer of tornados in this part of the country but this year it's been low and April was hard hit. We have had several "Tornado Watches" which aren't too alarming .... it's the "Tornado Warnings" you have to take seriously. Last night we were under a warning and a thunderstorm came through that was really interesting .... horizontal rain and the tops of trees on their sides ... it filled my rain gauge that I'd just emptied to almost 2". Today I had to go to town to get carpet cleaning soap for our carpet cleaner .... one of my spring cleaning projects .... so here's a short video on our way back .... sorry about the "stuff" on the windshield :)

By the afternoon the skies became pretty ominous so I turned on NOAA and found out we were under a Tornado Warning .... gathered everyone up and hung out in "The Cave" for about 1/2 hour until the warning was cancelled and then I resumed cleaning the carpet and Lea resumed her wood carving :) That was one of our Monday's in May.

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