Tuesday, May 31, 2011

The Pool

Seemed like our neighbor had her leaf blower going all afternoon .... sorry bout that .... it's amazing what that little mic on the iPhone will pick up.


  1. Love your pool!!

    When I lived in WA, Donna and I had a split-level house with a VERY big deck on the 2nd floor that part of it wrapped around 3 trees. Every 2 years we had to strip the rails and deck and restain it--I just hated doing that. The first couple of times was OK but later I just dreaded it. But you gotta do it or else. Your rails look great.

  2. Every 2 years is at least better than every year :) The only thing that makes the job easier is having my iPod playing in my ears. Our deck goes around the back and 1 side of the house ..... then there's the front porch! At least our deck is PVC so all I have to do is power wash it with a little TSP and it's as good as new. Well .... breaks over .... back to painting:)
