Saturday, January 8, 2011

First Brew First Beer New Old Albums

A day early but she couldn't wait ....

After consuming the glass of beer .... she was still smiling :)

And I'm smiling because I'm starting to get some of the albums in the mail that I got on eBay .... here's one of my favorites that can only be appreciated on vinyl ....

Just in case you can't read the album ... it's "Dancing In The Dragon's Jaw" by Bruce Cockburn.

Even the fish in my aquarium enjoy the sounds ....

They all ran away as soon as I pointed the camera at them but take my word for it .... they love the vinyl music better than digital too :)


  1. Ok, Lea is still smiling after sampling her beer--but what happened after she quit smiling? Did she down the whole bottle, did she smack her lips or what?

  2. How about featuring your fish tank. I'd have one if I didn't have to clean it. What kind of music has such a great title? I just got an OPPO universal Blu-ray player so I can play my SACD disc. I can't even remember how a vinyl record sounds like but I'm sure it's great or you wouldn't be interested.

  3. Hey Pat .... Lea downed 3 of those bottles of beer and was smiling the whole time :) and yes she did smack her lips :) I'm not much of a beer drinker but I tried it and have to agree with Lea that it's really really good ...

    Jean fish tank is young (about 6 weeks old) and I only have 6 fish right now. I've learned my lesson from my past experiences with aquariums that you really have to add fish slowly while the eco system creates all the needed bacteria and balances out. Too many fish at once will cause the tank to be lethal and all will die. But ... once I get some more swimmers in the tank ... I'll do a post on it.
    It's hard to explain Bruce Cockburn, I started collecting his albums in the early 80's and I still love him! Go into iTunes and type in his name in the search field and give the songs on "Dancing In The Dragon's Jaw" a listen.
