Thursday, January 27, 2011

Beer and Sunset

Late yesterday afternoons "deckvision" getting close to sunset ( 5pm to be exact) .... it looked amazingly like fall .... the sun made the trees really warm tones and the sky very cool so I think it made for an interesting shot for this time of year. You wouldn't guess that it was 34 degrees out.

Yesterday was a beer bottling day and Lea is bottling this batch in brown plastic 16 ounce bottles to see how well they work out (they're less expensive, less cost to ship and weigh less) compared to her glass bottles. "They" say they're excellent for short term consumption but glass is better for the kind of beer you want to age a long time. So it's an experiment and we'll let you know how it turns out.

Here's a bunch of plastic bottles in the bathtub with sanitizer stuff in them, a 24 hour soak ...

And then onto this "tree" thing to dry. Lea seen here preparing to start bottling by getting all the tubes and stuff sanitized ..

Other than some bucket leakage issues, all went well getting this batch bottled. It may be ready in about 2 weeks. I guess one cool thing about plastic is that when you can't squeeze the bottle ... the beer's fully carbonated and ready. I hope it's a good as the last batch .... yum! This weekend Lea has a different brew that will be ready to bottle ..... that batch will go into glass and I'll try to do a video.

Still getting into the low 20's at night but for the next few days it's supposed to get into the mid 50's during the day so I'm dusting off my shorts and preparing to spend a lot of time outdoors! Snow next week.


  1. Pick out your best four seasonal deckvision photos and make a panel suitable for framing and sell it at your e-store. Today's photo is truly a keeper. So beautiful. And the posting "word" this time was colstuf. Now how appropriate is that???

  2. Thanks Bobbie ... the 4 season panel is a good idea but this one wouldn't qualify for winter ... actually it doesn't really look proper for representing any season so I guess this one will have to stand on its own. "Colstuf" ... yes .... very appropriate :)

  3. Yep a wonderful "fall" pic. Where do you ship the beer off to? Would love to "pop over" for a brew. Have you made more tea light holders? Looked a while back and they were all sold out. Good job.

  4. Mir .... more tea lights coming ... I'll let you know when they get online. Lea's gotten lots of requests for those but the past month has been too cold to work in the shop .... even with a radiant heater it's only around 55 degrees down there. Supposed to warm up temporarily this weekend and Lea will be spending the weekend working :).
    The beer doesn't leave this house :) it gets shipped directly into Lea's mouth with no detours :) but you're welcome to come by and Lea will gladly share with you.
