Sunday, June 6, 2010

Bathroom Sinks and Swimming Holes

Lea wants a totally new countertop in the pink bathroom .... I'll let you know what her very ambitious plans are once she starts but for now it really turned into a project to remove the old countertop without damaging any of the beautiful pink tiles :) along the way. The top was nailed on (not screwed) and glued with liquid nails so it was really hard to remove but she did it and she was very proud of her accomplishment

So the plumber did me the favor of removing the old sink, p-trap & connections in the blue bathroom and I put in the new plumbing and new sink. I was actually a little surprised when I was finished that I didn't have a leak somewhere but I guess I got lucky

So when we went to Lowes to get new sinks and plumbing we also bought 2 new ceiling fans to replace 2 of the 3 we have. We opted not to replace the kitchen fan at this time because it wasn't all that ugly as are the one in the bedroom and family room. The very next morning I walked into the kitchen and noticed small pieces of black plastic on the floor and the source. We can't use one of the new ones we bought because they have the longer 52" blades ..... doesn't that just figure

The "kids" love being able to lounge around outside on the deck

There's 3 places you can cool off in Cherokee Village (as long as you have your property owner pass with you) ..... there's one of the several pools (that's Lake Thunderbird in the background). They provide pools for adults only and pools for the kids under the age of 18 .... now that's very cool

If there's a bridge over the river .... there's a swimming hole

And then of course there's the lakes .... I shot this with my iPhone so you probably can't see it well but there's a pontoon boat with everyone swimming from the boat.

So the last 3 pictures of the swimming holes we shot this afternoon when we decided to put the dogs in the car (they love going for rides) and just sort of do an old fashioned "sunday drive" .... we all loved it!


  1. Hard work and persistence is another way of saying lucky. I am living vicariously through you. I hope that doesn't spook you too much. The water looks sooooo inviting.

  2. Well .... when you start feeling my aches and pains then I'll be spooked :)

    Lea and I plan on taking some time this week to spend at either (or all) the pool, river or lake because yes .... it does look very inviting and I really love to swim. When ever we get our path cut to the river then we will have our own swimming hole ... that will make the dogs very happy!
