Sunday, November 21, 2010

The Leaves

In keeping with my self inflicted challenge to post a blog a day .... no matter what it is .... I present to you .... "The Leaves"


  1. I don't envy you all the leaves but you likely won't envy me all the snow blowing. I do envy your sweater weather. What do you do with the leaves? Do you generally use your I-Phone for videos?

  2. Hi Mir .... you're right .... I don't envy you all the snow blowing ... been there, done that! Supposedly we only get small amounts of snow here .... like 4 inches and a melt then 4 inches and a melt etc. so it doesn't build up. I hope that's true because I hate shoveling snow off the roof and driveway and we don't own chains for the car.
    We're not burning our leaves as a lot of people around here do .... I just hate the smoke from the damp smoldering leaves so we're just raking ours off into the forest. Of course many people have neighbors and they can't rake their leaves onto the joining land so they have to burn them. Whatever doesn't decompose we will probably burn in the spring when the leaves will burn instead of smolder like the do now.
    I do usually use my iPhone for the videos you see here just because it's what's always in my pocket. Some of the summer videos at the river and lakes were filmed with our Sanyo waterproof camcorder ... actually the recent Cardinal in the rain was filmed with the Sanyo .... it's a fun camera because you can take it Kayaking, Tubing and out in the rain.
    Hope you got the electric solved in the rock shop ... I'll have to go check your blog.

  3. First of all I loved the dragon by the bed. Would a blower move the leaves any easier? I had a generator at my last house. I had an electrician wire by home so I just had to connect the generator when the power was out. I had trouble remember to run the generator every now and then to keep it operable. It was also very loud. Hope your experience is better. I'm really enjoying your videos.

    bye, Jean

  4. But of course you noticed the dragon :) Yes a blower works great when the leaves aren't so thick and damp .... if we had a higher powered blower it would probably do the trick but for now it's easier and quicker to rake.
    Yep ... generators are noisy and we really hope we never have to use it but they are nice to have when you're without power for longer than a day.
    Glad you enjoy the videos :)

  5. In my opinion leaves should be left where they fall, soon to be hidden by a blanket of snow. What does not decompose by spring is what you clean up. Does that work?

  6. Bobbie . . . That is also Lea's opinion. She doesn't want them raked up. Actually, what you saw in the video is the only area that I did rake a little, only because it's where the leaves go that I sweep out of the carport and off the driveway so it was really building up. Lea will be happy to know that she's not the only one who says "let the leaves lie where they fall until Spring".
