Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Rain and Cardinals in the Dogwood

We have a Dogwood tree in the front yard and right now it's lost most of it's leaves but it's loaded with red berries. For a while the Squirrels were eating the berries and they'd get kinda drunk like on them .... now it's the birds feasting on the berries. The tree is right out of my studio window so it's really a pleasant distraction to watch them.

Cardinals are hard to photograph because they have camera radar and fly away the moment you start to raise your camera but Lea braved the rain this morning and was able to catch a few seconds of the elusive Cardinal .... if you turn up the volume on your computer, you might be able to hear the rain ....


  1. What a treat. Thanks for that video. I loved it and watched it several times. Also the dogwood is my most favorite tree. I had several in my yard in the Pacific Northwest. So that was a treat for me also.

  2. I'm really glad you enjoyed it. The Dogwood tree is also Lea's favorite tree. Wow .... several in your yard .... that must have been so beautiful. Lea and I used to photograph a "ride and tie" (horse event) at an area that was loaded with Dogwoods ... the event was annual and always in the spring so the Dogwoods were in full bloom .... it was incredible!

  3. I too love dogwoods--they are sooo beautiful. The real treat for me was seeing the cardinal--what a magnificent bird and to hear the rain with it--what a treat.

  4. Thanks Pat .... I'll pass that on to Lea :)
